Wednesday, August 25, 2010

still alive

i'm still alive. barely. my to-do list is currently astronomical (and growing exponentially) and has tried swallowing me whole in the past couple of days, but i'm a fighter and want to live to see another relaxed tv-watching saturday afternoon.

and so, i keep working on stuff and checking off those boxes. even if it's stuff that i've added to be able to cross off just to make myself feel better. stuff like "shower" and "brush teeth" and "eat lunch."


Tonya Jones said...

i'm the queen of the kinds of lists where you get to cross something off every know, the ones where by just getting out of bed in the morning you've crossed something off your list.

Michelle said...

it must be a family thing! during school i keep a planner where i just write every stinkin' thing down. i get so much satisfaction from crossing everything off. sadly, that's sometimes not the case when it gets near the end of the semester.

Bettridge Family said...

I feel the same way! We have been packing and I haven't eaten, worked out, brushed my teeth, played with my kids, etc. I don't think they have had a bath in 4 days! Yikes. So what am I doing looking at people's blogs. I hope life slows down for you. Yea right!