Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Camera = Photog Obsession

Paul surprised me with a new camera for my Christmas Eve birthday. (Canon T3i for those of you who know about these for myself, the name means nothing to me other than I have a lot to learn.)
Best. Present. Ever.



It's magical around here with all that snow.

Christmas Day was glorious. Relaxing, fun, entertaining, happy, peaceful.

Annnnd...back outside to attempt to capture the beauty of a snow-covered world.
Fail, of course, but still. I enjoyed myself.

Merry Christmas and happy new year.


Julie said...

Yes, yes, yes! Welcome to my world & go Paul, score of a gift!

Colleen said...

I know people get new cameras and take a ton of pictures. I take a ton all the time.

I have a T1i. I still didn't learn all the manual settings. They take great pictures. Now you can capture a ton of memories.