Tuesday, November 23, 2010

i'm a bad bad blogger

but life has been busy lately. other things have taken priority. but i hope to be back in the blogosphere, if for no other reason than the fact that i need this time in my kids' lives documented!

in my (very weak) defense, our camera is dead. like, really dead. and i ask you: what good is a photoless blog? not that good.

but i fully intend to document great moments we've been having. like when carson was telling a story at dinner last night about when his coat made a "tooting" noise when it rubbed against something, but even after a few attempts in the retelling he still couldn't duplicate the noise correctly. paul put his hand to his lips and masterfully supplied the sound effect. and carson's eyes LIT UP with admiration and he laughed and laughed and laughed at the sound. paul was a little too proud of himself for my taste, but layla's gut-giggles drowned out any of my protests.

and like when the kids and i played toy animals last night, which ended in frogs joining together and somehow trampling an elephant and a black bear at the water hole. and the kids thought the storyline was AWESOME.

and like when addie bumped into me on accident this morning and said in an adult voice, "oh. saw-yee [sorry], mom. i didn't mean to." and when she says "ets-tooz me" after hiccuping because she thinks it's a burp.

and like when layla has spent the last 48 hours in her new princess tiara and is bursting at the seams that the nutcracker performance is only 3 days away, but not even 3 days away, because "we're GOING to it on the THIRD day so it's actually just TWO days!!!!"

and like when paul not only says adorable things (things like, "i'm cognisant of my ear-hair sitch. and i'm on it."), but he continues to be loving and sweet and fun. and funny. i love that he still makes me laugh, makes me impressed, and makes me feel beautiful.

despite the frigid temps and icy snow depths of a huge blizzard today, i can't help but be so grateful. and if my camera worked, i'd show you a pic of our 2010 tom the thankful turkey as an illustration of our family's gratitude.
i'm grateful that we usually have a functional camera.

happy tuesday, everyone.

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