Thursday, March 8, 2012

baby names

Our girls are LOVing the idea of being able to help choose this baby's name. (Which isn't exactly true -- they get no say -- but we humor them in their feeling of power and importance. Judge us.)

Tonight's tally, from reading at random from the baby names book:
- Sharlona: 1 maybe
- Maribel: 1 enthusiastic yes
- Jasmin: 2 absolute nos ("that's a PRINcess name!")
- Babs: 2 from-the-gut bursts of laughter


1 comment:

Bettridge Family said...

Funny! Baby names are so hard to decide!! Kaylynn made her own list of 10 girl names and 10 boy names for us even though she thinks its a boy. Babies are the best. I can't wait for you to have her.