Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On a parent's words being misinterpreted...

Sweet little Addie. She did a lot of this yesterday...

...and she's feeling better today. In fact, I overheard her playing and giggling with Layla & her friend this afternoon. Which was adorable until my ears stumbled upon this little nugget of a conversation:

(playing barbies) Layla: Addie, your girl is going to marry Ken.
Addie: No! I don't WANT to marry Ken. I hate him.
Layla: Why?
Addie: Because of his bum.
[Editor's note: Our particular Ken doll does have a hard time keeping his shorts on for some reason.]
Layla: Oh, Addie. You HAVE to marry Ken. You get what you get, and you don't get upset.
Addie: (pause, then, resignedly) Okay.
Layla: You love him now, don't you?
Addie: Yes! And I love his bum!

Hoo boy.

Note to self: Throw strip-happy Ken doll away. Also, discuss with family the privilege and importance of choosing for yourself who you marry.


The Suburb Experiment said...

ALL the dolls in our house can't seem to keep their clothes on. And seriously, poor Addie shouldn't have to settle for Ken's sad plastic bum. :)


RaeLynn said...

HAHAHA, I'm so immature, I swear. I loved this.