Sunday, April 15, 2012

the 4th installment...

Hey friends. Meet miss Violet Idon Smart. (Her middle name is my beloved gramma's name, pronounced "eye-DON.")
You'll have to forgive her for not awakening to greet you. But she currently does a lot of this (see above), and I can't say I have the heart (or the insanity) to wake her.

Here's what we know about this little one so far:
- was born Tuesday April 10th
- weighed 7#11oz at birth (and is probably back up to that weight just 5 days later. Good girl.)
- was 19.5" long (which somehow became 20" just 3 days later? Hmmm...)
- has two deep dimples on some serious kissy cheeks...
- ...which is a very feminine look, even when paired with some pretty sweet male pattern baldness
- has Carson's infant habit of sleeping even through feedings, Layla's nose and mouth, and Addie's spunk whilst getting a diaper change
- is very alert when she's awake and has busted out many smiles and an adorably girlish giggle (be still, my maternal heart. SO cute.)
- enjoys the older kids' "parties" [Editor's note: I found Carson one time dancing frantically around her trying to entertain her. I told him how babies like things nice and easy for a little while, like waving your fingers, real slow, a little ways in front of her face. "I know it seems weird to us, but she'll just think that's a major party," I told him. He tried it, and her eyes got real wide, just soaking it all in. The kids now love throwing her a "party" every morning...they get a kick out of it, and I get a kick out of them.]

And, let the record show thatm although it's cliche to say you love your husband more with each challenge of life that you get through, that only scratches the surface of how I feel. I've had a few complications since delivery, and Paul has been at being a cheerful and intuitive Mr. Incredible around here. My only wish is that he could retire tomorrow and spend the rest of our years with me on the couch staring at every movement of this new little miracle. But, then again, after about a day, Violet probably wouldn't think it's as blissful as we did. Dah well. A girl can dream.

Welcome, sweet Violet. We adore you already.


RaeLynn said...

Britt, I love the name and she is beautiful! Kiss those cheeks a bit for me won't you?

val said...

Wahoo! I just love her and her name. Congrats. Wish I could kiss on her right now.

Mandy said...

Brittany- It's Mandy Saunders...just blog stalking from your link on facebook. She's adorable, such a great addition to the amazing Smart family! Congrats!

Bettridge Family said...

Oh my goodness she is adorable! Love LOVE her cheeks. I bet you kiss them all day long. You have such a cute family. I'm so happy for you!!