Thursday, April 19, 2012

at the hospital

You know, I had an almost magical time at the hospital after Violet was born. My nurses were awesome (one of them said I was, like, her favorite patient ever...and I'm sure she doesn't say that to just anyone. Right.), I felt so well cared for, I got to hang with my favorite people on the planet when the kids took the day off of school, my food wasn't totally gross, the hospital ice is quite possibly my favorite ice ever, and, of course, I had hours and hours to just stare at the newest miracle in my life.

Long live the glories of an all-day sucker. And long live the joy of a family. 


val said...

It looks magical, ser such a precious time. Does Carson have his mission call...he looks so grown up in the second to last photo. Sheesh. Love the one of Addie, dad and new babe cute.

Anonymous said...

She's a doll! Congratulations!

Bettridge Family said...

I love these pictures. They are perfect! I'm just so happy for you. You starting to get a big family. I'm a little jealous :) Congrats again.