Friday, April 20, 2012

a little of this and that

It's that time of year again at our elementary school...the time where we get to choose whether or not to order school photos. Hmmm... Pose A or Pose B? Both tempting options.

In unrelated news, my parents drove down from Washington and spent the majority of this past week with us. (And my mother-in-law spent several days last week.) I honestly don't know if I could've survived without their help.

Joyce played with the older kids, brought us food deliciousness, took me to/from instacare (and loaned me her iPad to play mindless games on while I waited), and was a constant support for several days during a fresh-home-from-the-hospital rough patch. I love you Joyce!

My parents played with and showered the older kids with much-needed attention and saw to details both major (e.g., breakfast, getting kids to/from school, homework, etc.) and minor (e.g., letting me nap, vacuuming, doing dishes, stocking the freezer with edibles, etc.). I love you Dad & Mom!

My dad spent the good part of one morning singing to Violet and Addie. His voice is awesome and soothing; I loved it as a kid, and I love that my daughters can hear it as well. This is the stuff of life, people. 

Mom was always ready and eager to hold or rock Violet when she needed attention but craziness was happening elsewhere. (And, let's be honest, any other time too.)

The kids all love reading to Violet. This was a hilariously academic setup I stumbled upon in the midst of one morning's rush of activity:

And, apparently, there was going to be a test on the subject matter, because Violet did some studying of her own a little later:

We can't get enough of this bald girl's face. Its expressions change constantly, much to our delight and entertainment (which, really, isn't that what it's all about? my own entertainment? I thought so):

But one expression made me a wee bit wary of what's cooking under that sweet facade:

I'm extremely humbled by how good life can be.


katieo said...

She is SO cute!!!

p.s. are your mom and dad available for rent? how bout I trade for Thomas...

Tanner's Tales said...

I think you have to order some pictures...I love it.

Holly said...

You never cease to amaze me! What a wonderful family you have. So glad your parents could come help.

Jordan and Katrina Hansen said...

I'm dying over Carson's school pictures. You seriously need to buy some of those. So worth it.

Violet is changing so fast. I can't wait to meet her.

Tanner's Tales said...
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Maria and Ryan said...

Brittney! She's beautiful! I think she's going to have dimples like another beautiful girlie that I know :-) Congrats! I love her name!

Love you,

Joyce said...

I lova, lova, lova those kids. Carson expression looks like a 15 year old. So funny!

Julie said...

I found Carson's picture so funny, I've shared it with multitudes of people. I must use it for a "hire me' campaign. Hillarious!

RaeLynn said...

Oh my goodness...seriously she is so expressive. I need to come hold her.