Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day weekend

My parents came down for Violet's blessing over Memorial Day weekend. My mom made each of my girls AND their dolls these adorable outfits. Complete with hats and underwear covers. They've been a monster hit.

I don't know what it is about blessing day, but, despite our best intentions, we rarely get photos. This year was no exception. We got a total of three, and even these were because we thought the hat was hilarious. (She didn't wear it for real.) This dress, a hand-me-down from Paul's aunt, has been worn by all three of our daughters on their blessing day. I think it's pretty special.

We went with Paul's parents to visit some family graves in the valley. The one that meant the most to the kids (despite Addie's expressions below) was Grampa Boyd's.

And, really, what Memorial Day weekend would be complete without some major watermelon consumption? None, I tell you.

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