Friday, May 18, 2012

Past all its uncensored glory

Surely I can't be the only one who consistently (chronically?) finds such gems as these (unaltered in any way)when I go to download the camera: 
Atta girl, Addie. Super artistic and...ah...feminine.

Girls getting ready for church. Why haven't I learned that they shouldn't get into their church dresses until about 5 minutes prior to go-time? We change about 58 times each Sunday morning, and our laundry hamper becomes a virtual schmorgasboard of clothes housing peanut butter, jam, milk, juice, soup, toothpaste, honey, markers, and ketchup. Eat your heart out, Chuck-O-Rama.

Layla's last day of ballet this semester. She gets her awesome white-blonde hair and baby face from her dad and her grace (bottom left) and flexibility (bottom right) from her mom. I'm such a good gene contributor. Yep.

We've been loving a lot on little Violet. Who, by the way, happens to be an Exhibit A case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Perfectly sweet and adorable when the stars (and her digestive rhythms) align, and a squirmy fuss-pot during the other times. But, honestly? We can't help but love her. And laugh at her funny faces.

The little lady already has a special place in her heart for her papa. And also...I have to check her finger frequently to make sure the string she's got around Paul's heart doesn't cut off her circulation...

See what I mean? She's full of smiles for the guy. One thing I love about Paul is that, when she is being fussy and we just can't quite figure out what would make things better, he takes it in stride and says stuff to her like, "Don't hold back, Violet. I always want to hear your opinions, so you just make sure you tell us everything about it," and so on and so forth. They have "conversations" this way, and it makes me relax and be able to laugh at her complaints.
(And laugh at this hat, let's be honest.)

Had to document her first trip "out." To the doctor's office for her 2-week checkup. My favorite part: her bird legs and the baggy socks. I laugh every time I see these photos.
 Gotta love the awkward (and endearing) newborn body proportions.
The girls like to play "Halloween" sometimes (sans candy aquisition. I'm a meanie, I know). Notice the bunny slippers on this bat-girl. It's in the details, people.

Carson is surprisingly gentle and calm(ish) around Violet. We're working on helping him not take it personally if she cries when he's holding her. But it's pretty sweet to watch him with her. Know what else is sweet? Her Addie-selected outfit in the below pic.

I couldn't resist putting these post-ballet performance photos in a photo-booth format (enlarge these if you can...priceless). Carson was dreading going, but he was super supportive of Layla during and after the performance. Addie was so excited to go that she dressed in her own ballet get-up and brought herself a fake flower.

I've said it before but it's worth repeating: every kid needs at least one friend during childhood. It's ridiculous how similar these two sillies are.

And now, a photo I like to call, "The Floating Head." Either that, or "Ichabod Crane: The REST of the Story."

Would you believe she was smiling 2 milliseconds before I snapped this shot? No? Fair enough. Because she looks crazy here. And bald. Which enhances the craziness.

What a tiny little bug. And yet, how much she's already grown. 5-1/2 weeks old! Already?! Good grief. Expect a graduation announcement, like, tomorrow.

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