Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Violet, Addie-style

Every morning, I let Addie pick out what Violet's going to wear that day. (Sometimes I modify things on Sundays, but I try not to.) The only requirements are that her clothes be weather-appropriate.
Addie takes this "chore" very seriously and has not disappointed in her choices. Sometimes she even has titles for the outfits. I started snapping photos each day, because I didn't want to forget these ensembles. Ever.
This one is called "Mrs. Cute." Obviously.
This one is called "Hunter-Girl." I had to ask how this outfit was huntery, and Addie patiently explained it's because of the hat. Looks like a pretty normal outfit, overall. Kind of disappointing.

Ahh, that's better. That's the Addie-style we know and love. No name for this one, but the tights speak for themselves.
p.s. Raise your hand if you're in love with those chub-legs (and chins!) like we are. So. Cute. 

 This one is called "Candy Cane."
May your day be merry and bright.


Joyce said...

Ohhhh, man. Violet's cheeks are fabulous. So kissable!
Addie does a wonderful job!

Joyce said...

Ohhhh, man. Violet's cheeks are fabulous. So kissable!
Addie does a wonderful job!

RaeLynn said...

Oh my word, PLEASE continue a segment of these posts. They just made my night!