Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Lorax on Life

We got The Lorax dvd at Christmas. I don't know if you all have seen it or not, but it's one of our new favorite shows...evidenced by the fact that we actually own the dvd. Because we never buy dvds. But that's neither here nor there.
ANYway. There's a song on there that goes, "Every-body needs a thneed..." It's quite catchy.
The girls were singing it and rocking out a few days ago. Then they started changing the words and laughing hysterically at their new lyric-writing aptitudes. 
For example:
"Every-body needs some pjs."
"Every-body needs an apple."
"Every-body needs some candy."
etc.etc. You get the idea.
Then Layla busted out with: "Every-body needs a fam'ly."
Addie paused her dancing, caught off-guard in a moment of thought, and then exclaimed,
"Oh, yes yes yes! That is a 'PORtant one!!"
Speaking of 'portant: Who stole the last 9 months from me? HOW is my baby this big?!
(And also: How is my baby still this bald?! :) )

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