Tuesday, March 24, 2009

some pics

with those big baby blues, addie's a natural beauty who just hasn't yet learned to accessorize (as in, growing teeth or hair).

a must-have for every kid: a water squirt bottle. carson & layla spent HOURS this weekend watering stuff, including (especially) the holes in our fence.

i love toddler humor. not only am i extremely funny to my kids (hey, i'll take what i can get), but they are often doing funny things that make me smile or laugh out loud. exhibit a:

exhibit b: (p.s. it's subtle, but carson thought he was soooooo funny to be wearing that pair of shades around his neck like that. we're all about that kind of sophisticated, not-everyone-"gets"-it humor around here.)

1 comment:

JoLynn said...

You have the most adorable kids! I am so looking forward to serving with you in YW's and getting to know you and your little ones much better.