Wednesday, May 20, 2009

some pics

top left: gifts from my parents in sweden (the clothes and the castle, among other things). soooo cute and fun and happy-making, especially since the package came 2 days after our flood! a nice surprise.

top right: ready for soccer game. this season has been an entertaining experience. i don't think carson's quite ready for cut-throat athletic competition yet. fortunately, his coach and the other kids on his team are understanding of the fact that he has no concept of the game...

bottom left: tough-girl layla in oregon. man, that was a fun vacation. seems so long ago.

bottom right: a queen and a princess. [editor's note: hypothetically speaking, wouldn't that be highly embarrassing for the queen if she forgot she was wearing such regal attire and opened the front door in it and proceeded to carry on a perfectly "normal" conversation with the father of carson's friend for about, oh, a full minute until she realized what she was wearing? not that i have experience, of course. strictly hypothetical.]


Emily said...

A flood?? I missed that! So sorry. How long will it take to get back in your house?

Lanette said...

Um...nice one, about the outfit, Brit. That's hilarious. I love reading all your little updates. It's great to hear what your fam's up to. Oh, and I'll try not to mention that I'm only slightly jealous about the hawaii trip. Lucky.

Kathy said...

when did layla grow like 18 feet?????? she is SO big now!!!!

Stephanie said...

hahahaha kathy. but seriously-- this is such a cliche thing to say, but your kids are getting SO big. look at layla's hair! it's so long and PLATINUM blonde. adorable. and carson looks like he could be a deacon any day.

Jordan and Katrina Hansen said...

I loved all the updates. I can't wait to babysit your kids. Maybe Carson can give me some lego training.