Saturday, January 15, 2011

dear future self...

dear future self,

this post is for you when you're sitting in your rocking chair dreaming of yesteryear when the pitter patter of little (and big) feet filled your life. those were indeed great days. they involved lots of giggling, playing, and love. but lots of tears, too. tears and yelling even. and messes. the chronic, encompass-every-possible-available-item messes. remember those? no? here: 

if you're still missing the "good ol' days," future self, here's a remedy: simply dump a billion cards from a variety of games onto the ground, smear them around a bit, then pick them up and put them away. wash. rinse. repeat. 

enjoy your rocker, future self. please. for me and your younger self's sanity.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

On a positive note, it was cards, not condiments, that were dumped and smeared around.