Thursday, June 9, 2011

oh what do you do in the summertime

Disneyland pics are coming. I promise. But here are some pics of what we've been up to, to make all of us wish that we were kids in summertime again and able to run around for days in nothing but a swimsuit. Well, I guess technically we could run around in bathing suits. But I, for one, don't. You're all welcome. Counting it as my public service...

We spent the last two days in Ogden with family (a million thanks for letting us crash your house, K&S!!). It was glorious. Nothing better than cousins playing...unless it's cousins playing and then devouring Creamies. There's NOTHING better than that. Tops the charts.

A splash pad opened up a bit ago in Riverdale (I think?). We went. We (translation: they) got wet. We thoroughly enjoyed. I LOVE splash pads. I want to become their advocate and have them built in every city. Or, if not every city, at least my own. Sooo fun for billions of kids. Yes. Billions.

I'm loving that my kids can get together with these cousins and make memories and be buddies and play and whisper (or, in the boys' case, yell) in their sleeping bags at bedtime. As a parent, it's pretty gratifying.


katrina said...

Just drive 20 hours to Oklahoma, and you'll find spray parks everywhere. That's worth the drive, right???

Bettridge Family said...

I LOVE splash pads. They just built one in Eagle Mt. only 4 min away! Your kids are getting so big! And are as cute as can be!!

mindy said...

There's one in Providence :)