Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Decor: Let it Be

I've decided that my kids' memories are more important this year than a photo-worthy holiday decor'd house. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that it isn't the easiest thing for me to let their decor be.
It's often off-center:
Or stolen from somewhere else to festivize their own rooms:
It could be recycled garbage, like this tinfoil ball that Carson's so proud of:
Or maybe it's a vertical long linked ornament chain:
Apparently branch tips are prime ornament real estate, and there are loads of droopy branch ends on our tree to prove it:
And overpopulated sections:
And highly popular single branches (I think this one branch has 10+ ornaments on it):
This doubled-up hang job is especially creative:
Normally I try to correct and change these things so our house "looks" better. Not this year, though. I'm trying to focus on the important stuff. Like this:
We're crossing our fingers she doesn't learn to crawl until after Christmas. Paul's not betting on it, though.
This self-directed impromptu photo of the kids melts my heart. Carson was holding and playing with Violet when Layla jumped in and put her arm around him (and on Vi's head? You betcha), and Addie ran up and wrapped her little arms around the lot of them, squeezing as best she could.
Children are a joy. And nothing beats holiday smiles.

1 comment:

val said...

Same here! I'd love to have everything magazine like but we are far from it. I literally hung one special ornament up high and the girls threw on all the rest because they were so excited. Of course stuff and how it looks doesnt matter but these little people do.