Monday, July 29, 2013

Lincoln City, Oregon vacation, days 1-3

Arrived late Sunday night to a very windy Oregon coast. After being all day in the car, a little wind didn't stop us from running out to the waves, though!
Wind or no wind, the views from our rented house deck were beauteous.
Bright and earrrrrrly Monday morning (as in 4:30 a.m. early), the men+Carson woke up and headed down to Newport for a deep sea fishing excursion. Apparently, Carson alternated between being super excited about it all...
...and losing the physical battle against sleep deprivation.
The guys (including Carson) caught several ling cod and a bunch of rock fish, enough for some delish Larry & Joyce (and Paul) fish tacos for dinner, as well as griddle fodder for several lunches. Seriously yum.
Later that afternoon, some of us meandered southward (for about a mile? Maybe not that far.) on the beach to check out some tidal pools. Kind of a bad idea. The tide was fairly high when we got there, and the winds had picked up again. Colder than it looks!
Poor Violet (traveling via stroller) got sand-blasted at face level on the return journey. But Carson and Ella enjoyed themselves.
Tuesday took us toward Devil's Punch Bowl. It was a magically mystical misty morning (woah, alliteration overkill) (but, seriously, it was). Saw some interesting stuff and imagined what the ocean beyond the mist looked like.
Layla loved exploring at the beginning...highlight findings included some crabs. One or two might have even still been alive.
The beaches were pretty isolated (or maybe the mist hid all the people). Violet loved it all and wanted nothing to do with her stroller...
...which was a good thing, because Addie's feet were mysteriously super tender. She could hardly weight-bear on them, so she spent most of the morning in the stroller, including when she was in the stroller carried up the stairs by Paul and grampa Larry and uncle Shay. (Which ended up being one of her favorite parts of the trip?)
Uh-oh. Restless gatherings of Smarts, like what you see below, usually end in some crazy ideas. Usually compliments of Larry.
Fortunately, this time, it just ended in some foot races. So entertaining.
Violet liked to eat the sand. Then spit it out and stare, accusingly, at the nearest adult for letting her put the stuff in her mouth. Repeat. Oh, but she's cute.
Across the road, we found another cool place with tidal pools and this waterfall. Carson developed a stance that came to be known as "cheese hands," where every time he took a pic, he thought his hands had to be raised in some way.
Poor Addie. She's not the type who wants to be confined. Fortunately, her ailment didn't last more than a day.
Love this guy.
Honoring the repeated requests of our children, we didn't kiss in any photos. Gold stars.
Back at our own beautiful beach in Lincoln City for the afternoon, we took up kiddie kite flying. Addie flew hers while Paul supervised. They (and cousin Ella joined in later) made shapes out of the top crust of the sand for a long time.
Carson flew his kite, too, and came up with this hilarious (his word) photo op: pretending to hold the kite string with his hands while actually having it grounded by his foot.
Dinner was Tonya's yummy chicken divine. We got into the habit of hooking up the camera to the TV each night and "watching" the day's events before bed, which I found fun.
Magical Oregon coast. Love this place. It's chilly and awesome.
End of Tuesday on our Sunday through Sunday vacation. Will share more in another post.

1 comment:

Mortons Love said...

I love this so much. Wish I could have tagged along. You want a honorary Smart family member right? How about 6? (Too much...I knew it!)