Thursday, September 5, 2013

An Expressive Face...or Twenty

Violet is the most facially expressive kid I've ever birthed. Or known. I thought I'd follow her around for an hour and try to document her expressions.
Here's 26 minutes' worth before the sun came out one morning:

Not impressed? How about the next 18 minutes post-sunrise:
This girl is a handful. She is exhausting. She is curious and destructive and creative and stubborn. She is sweet and funny and busy and attached. And, honestly, none of us could imagine a day without her. Love this chickadee.


Mortons Love said...

hahaha. I love her. At least she's expressing her self!

RaeLynn said...

oh wow, you weren't kidding on the millions 'o expressions. that is awesome! that is exactly how Cole was and i loved it.

i'm the lamest for not calling you back the other day! of course the times when i think to call you back are the most inopportune moments (chillin' on the toilet or taking a shower). i figure you'd rather not talk to me at all than have me call you while i'm on the throne :)

Alison said...

That's impressive! I'm pretty sure I only have one look at that time of day and it's definitely not as cute as Violet. :)