Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Trip: Teton National Park (final take)

Annnd...what good would a family vacation be without cousin fun? The kids had a fabulous time, riding bikes (a.k.a. terrorizing the campground roads), hiking, campfiring (yep, verb), exploring, making up their own games/imaginative stuff, singing, you name it.
 Note the Carson/Ella "prom" pose below...haha! Love it.
 Calf-muscle contest below. (Can you name all those legs?) I think Michelle wins it.  
 Thank heaven for truck beds. One of the greatest inventions ever...second only to 98% DEET mosquito spray. Oh, I forgot: we drove to Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone one day, and a bison crossed right in front of our truck. It was terribly exciting for all of exciting that we forgot to document it with a photo. Boooo!
 When I said Paul & I jimmy-rigged our tent, I wasn't kidding around See above. Yes, that's a plastic lid you see there, that had been leaning on the side of the tent in that one corner. Trashy, sure, but we stayed (miraculously) dry from the outside-in.
 The little kids loved the bear box. So much so that Addie & Evy decided to pull their camp chairs (by themselves) up onto the folded-out door and be spectators for a while. Cuties.
Death Canyon hike (to Phelps Lake) was beautiful, we loooooved Colter Bay, and hiking by String Lake, and other stuff that'll probably come to me but that I can't think of right now.

Yay family!


Julie said...

Okay, fine. I'll take a try on those calves.
Michelle(!!!for sure the winner), Joyce, Jordan, Shay, Tonya? So not sure about Tonya but that is my final guess.

I love your family. Can I be adopted & join you in all these awesome summer trips? I might come back feeling ugly, fat, & short, but I still want to go.

Brittney said...

oooh, good guesses julie. it's actually (L-R) michelle, joyce, john, larry, tonya.
welcome to the club on feeling ugly, fat, & short. but it's all good. camping is the absolute best.

katrina said...

I wish I was back there right now. minus the mosquitoes.

katrina said...

PS I liked walking past your tent one morning and hearing Carson say something like, "How about today's goal is to be as helpful as possible."

Michelle said...

Julie, don't you wish when you took our engagement and wedding photos that you would've included shots of my calves? The thing is, I'm not sure if having calves that large is something a girl should be proud of...

Julie said...

I feel a little cheated. No one mentioned all those calves were only the SMART originals. Did I even break 50% right? Joyce will have to do the math for me. And Michelle, yes, we should have featured those calves in your bridals. That would have been spectacular!