Friday, January 20, 2012

This just in: ducks at First Dam are suuuuuper exciting

After holding a family vote of fun (free) activities for a Saturday, we ended up at First Dam to feed the ducks. (Annnd guess who totally forgot the bread? I win.) As it was a pretty frigid day, I thought we'd maybe last 5 minutes...but the kids were enthralled and entertained by the diverse fowl life off the dock, and we ended up staying there a long time.
(Helped along by the fact that another guy and his son shared their stale Christmas cookies for duck-feeding with us.)

We liked watching the birds with crazy "hair" the most. And assigning them personalities. And translating their quacky conversations in funny ways. Seriously a fun way to spend an hour or two with some delightful kiddos. I'd highly recommend it.

Then we started with a stroll through the echo-y tunnel under the highway. And took a few steps up the Bonnevile Shoreline Trail...which turned into a full-fledged hike led cheerfully by Addie herself up to the golf course. It was quite a climb in snow boots, but the kids loved it. Victory at the top:  

A great time was had by all. Including on the way down, when Carson and Layla got to run down the mountainside trail.

Then Aggie ice cream, naturally. The end.

1 comment:

Bettridge Family said...

I love first dam!! Matt and I used to go there all the time. When ever we go to Logan we always take the kids there to feed the ducks. Such a great place. I miss it!!