Sunday, January 29, 2012

a wall o' toys...and stuff

The other day, the little ladies donned their swimsuits a la mermaidhood and took turns jumping "into" a blue fleece blanket (pool) in the living room. Somehow that adorable playtime activity morphed into their creating the Great Wall of China out of various items from throughout our house. (Read: the worst kind of mess to clean up.) Seen below:
 Really, girls? Newspapers? Extra swimsuits? Thousands upon thousands of books? Is that the best building stuff you could come up with? Nuts. 
 The worst part was how happy and proud of themselves they were. I felt like crying but couldn't help but smile at their mess-terpiece. It kept them happily entertained for several hours, and Layla was a champ and even cleaned it up before dinner. But, honestly? I'd rather find playtime remnants like this: 
Aww. Stumbling across a tucked-in doll scene is precious. Girls are sweethearts.

1 comment:

katrina said...

looks like addie has another tinkerbell swimsuit, i hope it's as awesome as the green one she wore last summer:)